Buying Guide

Five Reasons You'll Really Use Your Pot Filler Faucet

If you are on the fence about including a pot filler faucet in your kitchen design, consider some of the not-so-obvious benefits of installing this handy kitchen faucet.

Pot filler faucets

Lighten Your Load

Many homeowners are installing pot fillers with aging in their home in mind. Water weighs 8-1/2 lbs. per gallon, so pot fillers significantly decrease the physical labor cooking by eliminating the need to lug a heavy pot from sink to stove—at least one way. That makes a huge difference if you have a bad back, arthritis, etc. You may even want to consider installing a drain underneath the pot filler for pouring out excess water.

Save Time

It's hard to argue with the benefits of cutting down on prep time. With pot fillers you can easily add water while you cook. They are also great for multi-tasking: soak dirty pots and pans on the stove while you prep or clean up other items in the sink.

Do More

Pot fillers are great for pots that don't fit in a standard sink, such as a lobster pot or an oversized wok. They are also handy for filling tea kettles or watering cans, or even to reach over and fill the electric coffee pot or Keurig.

Install It Multiple Ways

Pot filler faucets, like kitchen faucets, are available in wall mount and deck mount models. Wall-mount pot fillers are installed in the wall above the stove and often incorporated into the design of the backsplash. Deck-mount pot fillers are great for island stoves or wheelchair users. Or, forget the stove altogether and install a small one in a designated coffee nook for your morning java fix.

Increase Your Home Value

Pot filler faucets play to the current trend to install gourmet professional-grade kitchens regardless of one's culinary skills or abilities.